Archive for July, 2010

Grandboys in DC

July 31, 2010

Mindy, Cory and Kai in Congressman's Office

Kai, Peggy and Cory At Mt Vernon

Cory (10) and Kai (8) our grandboys have had quite a week in D.C.  They met with their congresswoman’s staff (Jackie Speier, San Carlos, CA) and Jason Chaffetz congressman from Utah who had gone to High School with Mindy.  They both presented letters to their congressional representatives.  Kai asking for No Smoking in any public place, electric cars, mandates for biking and hiking to school and work within 2 miles of your home.  Cory asked for quality Physical Education daily in the public schools and restrictions on additional mining that would ruin our nation’s waterways (i.e. Green River Basin).  Cory said he enjoyed the Air and Space the most because of the flight simulators.  Kai loved the Science/Magic show at the art museum.  They both loved the Native American Museum because it has the best food.  Both boys got to participate in many of the Capitol activities this week.  Wednesday we took the boat to Mt. Vernon which now has a new museum catering to children.  The Ladies of Mt. Vernon keep up the property and it is currently a working farm as well.  The mama hog had just had a litter of piglets which was a highlight for Kai.  Cory, of course, thought is was “cool” that George had multiple pairs of false teeth.  He was also impressed that George had been a surveyor in his early life.  We all continue to be amazed at what a wonderful, thoughtful leader Washington was and how lucky for the USA to have him as our first president.

Alan’s week was spent at a finance meeting updating him on estates and taxes.  Lots of laws are changing this and next year impacting us all.

Scouts in DC and on Muriel June

July 25, 2010

Scouts Cory and Kai Check Out the Muriel June

This is the 100 year celebration of Boy Scouting in America.  Today we visited the Washington DC National Cathedral with our two grandsons (Cory and Kai) along with about 1200 other Boy Scouts.  The sermon was appropriately designed for the boys as the minister talked about his own scouting experience and earning his life saving badge.  However, even after he’d tried to pick the dummy  from the bottom of the lake and lost his pants in the dive,  he still keep trying.  “Knock and the door will open,” was the message the boys left with.  Keep on trying.  There is a big parade on the mall this afternoon for the Scouts.  The older boys are having their Jamboree here this week.

But, we have lots of plans with our boys who will visit their congresswoman, see many museums, travel to Mt. Vernon on the Spirit of Mt. Vernon and end with a trip to Arlington National Cemetery.  The boys are keeping an extensive journal.  And, this week they are working on writing legislation to propose to their congresswoman.

Temperatures are again soaring but cooler rains should lower the temperature this coming week.  I have had several meetings with the League of Women Voters US, Alan has his financial planning meeting this week, and next week I’m flying to Chautauqua for their Education Week.  There is still much in DC we haven’t seen, but we’ve definitely loved our time here and plan to come back several more times before we head out of the Chesapeake.

1968 Revisited on the Muriel June

July 9, 2010

Ed & Barbara Cunningham Visit the Muriel June in Washington DC

Alan’s sailboat on the Black Sea before sinking

For 13 months, in 1968-69 Alan served the Army Intelligence Agency in Sinop, Turkey on the Black Sea monitoring the Russian space program.  Dr. Ed Cunningham was the Post dentist for that tour and he and Alan developed strong bonds.  Subsequently we have been exchanging Christmas letters with Ed and Barbara Cunningham for the last 40 years.  Yesterday,  Alan and Ed reunited for the first time since 1969 and Ed came laden with pictures from those times.  Alan remembered his time sailing on the Black Sea and the disaster when his boat sank having run into a coral reef.  Their centerboard (running board of the Army truck) caught on a black coral reef splitting the sailboat in half.  Alan and his buddy, the Post doctor, both without life jackets, were able to swim ashore. Alan lost his wedding ring in the process of swimming to shore.  Alan remembers the basketball games with the Turks, who always had to win, the impoverished state prison and the intelligence he sent back to the USA on the Russian military activities.  He and Ed recalled stories of their trips in the single engine Otter (Army airplane) getting to the closest town, Samsun.  They also remember the Russian ships  off shore that watched them.

Phil Land Cruises On to the Greater Beyond

July 9, 2010

When people cruise together strong bonds develop.  Yesterday Phil Land, Captain of the boat Philander, began his next journey into the “Greater Beyond.”  At Lakewood Yacht Club “L” dock had stong bonds mainly because of Phil Land.  Each Friday afternoon, Phil and Jayne came to LYC “L” dock for their weekends.  Phil, with the greeting, “Hello, Hello, Hello” made a point of bringing people together, making things run smoothly, and mending fences that might occur.  He was a master of detail, wanting flowers on tables in the dining room and a nice bath area  for the docks after IKE destroyed our former bathhouse.  Phil, the gracious host, clad in designer deco pants and bright pink shirts was also a master business man.  He knew what sold having run his own motor company for many years.  Phil was definately not known for his mechanical prowness, but rather his welcoming spirit.  A boat surveyor once said that Phil had the cleanest boat engine room he’d ever seen because Phil bragged he never went there to dirty it up.  Phil’s spirit, his welcome to all who surrounded him, and his wonderful sense of making people feel at ease will be long remembered and greatly missed.  We know that when we join Phil on our next journey he will be head of the “always welcome” committee.

What a 4th in DC!

July 5, 2010

American Flag on Stern of MJ end of "A Dock" Capital Yacht Club

Washington DC Fireworks Above the Marina Boats

Washington DC celebrates the 4th of July like no other place in this country.  We are located on the Potomac just south of the Tidal Basin of the Jefferson Memorial.  So, our view of the fireworks was unobstructed.  Fantastic!  The combination of each display was definitely a big ooh and ahh!!  The ceremony at the Capital on TV, we could watch and hear the bands and musical groups and then the beautiful display.

We also had guests aboard the Muriel June with us.  Two staff people from the League of Women Voters US office were here.  And, the lady (Jeanette) was engaged to a guy (Keith) from Houston, TX.  Keith had gone to school (Stratford H.S.) with Bonnie and Bunky and knew many of their friends.  Small world!  He works for the Dept of Defense.  On board also were Heather and Fred who were at UC Berkeley with us (He is a physicist and she works for NASA here and also friends of the Lensers), and Muff and Bill (cousins).  Conversations centered around government issues, vacations, and wedding plans for Jeanette (LWVUS) and Keith.  A very fun night: lights, laughter, and conversations.

Alan and I also went to Sunday service at the National Cathedral for their Sunday 4th of July service. Fantastic stained glass windows have historical Biblical and US events like the moon rock which is part of one of the windows.  The Cathedral is neither supported by the Federal Government nor the Episcopal Church. Organ and choir music resounded throughout the cathedral unlike any church we’d been in before.  What I liked most about the church was the diversity of audience and so many young people.  The music featured “America the Beautiful” and several pieces that focused on peace.  I loved one comment from a young man behind us who said, “I love coming here because music, scriptures and sermons focus on peace and possibilities rather than hell, fire and damnation.”  Well said.

Washington DC and 4th of July

July 1, 2010

Lady Floats (Walks) Her Dog past the Muriel June

Washington DC Fireboat Practices Off MJ's Stern

We are loving being right next to the reflecting pond/tidal basin where the Jefferson Memorial stands.  Bike trails surround us. Dinghy trips along the Potomac tidal waters give us a different perspective of DC.   The Capital Yacht Club where we are tied,  is very a welcoming place and the LYC burgee flies proudly along with many others. One friendly lady in a kayak welcomed us last night as she pulled her border collie along on a raft.  Every once in a while the dog let go of his toy and swam to fetch it and then get back on the raft.

Several blocks away is a very new and well stocked Safeway grocery store and the Metro station. The seafood market is at the end of our dock.  We’ve already met several other Grand Banks owners and Loopers.  For the 4th of July daughter Bonnie,  Bud and Judi Jennison from our Yacht Club and Bill and Maureen Jenkins (cousins) will be with us to watch the fireworks and listen to the National Symphony.   We are about 3 blocks from the Washington Monument so the show should be spectacular.

Our entertainment this afternoon was fireboat drill off our stern.  We assume they are getting ready for the 4th in case anything happens and they are needed.  We also like this spot because the helicopters fly over taking Generals to and from the Pentagon or for the President taking him to and from places.  Alan says there are definitely too many Generals in DC judging from the number of helicopters.

Today we worked at cleaning the boat for the 4th of July birthday party as well as making a date with one of Alan’s former Army officers who was stationed here after his tour with Alan in Turkey.  We’ll see them (after 40 years) this coming week.